Filter untuk semua merk screw air compressor.
Merk: LG Airplus, Denair, Atlas copco, Sullair, Kaeser, Ingersoll Rand, Boge, Hitachi, Kobelco, Compair, Hanshin, Fusheng, kaishan, linghein, scr, airman, liutech, elite air, dll
AHLSTROM filter paper and high efficiency polymer material
Pleated and Wrapped structure
Oil carry over < 3 PPM
Working pressure 5 - 13 Bar
Working temperature < 120 °C
Differential pressure < 0,2 Bar
Standard Service life < 4000 hour
8000 Hour Separator , Spin-On Separator, High pressure separator, Low pressure separator
HV Fiber glass filter material
Filter precision 10-15 µm
Filter efficiency 99%
Bypass valve 2,5 bar
Max working pressure 14 Bar
Working temperature < 120 °C
Standard Service life < 4000 hour
High pressure oil filter, Element oil filter
AHLSTROM filter paper material
End cap: Iron plate / Rubber / Plastic
Filter precision < 5 µm
Filter efficiency 99,8%
Standard Service life 2000 hour
Max Service life 3000 hour
Panel air filter for centrifugal compressor , Gas turbine air filter
Element filter replacement for: Donaldson, MANN, Ultra filter, Parker, DH, Hankison, SMC, Zander, CKD, Orion, and others. Custom size and special specification is available.
JKT. 0811 1127 816
SBY. 0811 1126 816
Air/Oil Separator
Untuk screw air compressor
- Seri 8K. 8000 jam (harus menggunakan oli kompresor sintesis)
- Seri 4K. 4000 jam
- Seri Spin-On (Tipe cartridge).3000 jam
Oil carry over < 2 PPM
Tekanan maksimal 20 Bar
Suhu maksimal120 °C
Oil Filter
Usia pakai 3000 Jam
Efisiensifilter 12 μm, >95%
Dengan bypass valve 2,5 bar
Tekanan maksimal 25 Bar
Suhu maksimal120 °C
Air Filter
Usia pakai 3000 Jam (usiapakai akan lebih singkat saat digunakan di atmosfer berdebu)
Efisiensifilter 5 μm, >99,8%
Air Filter Panel
Untuk centrifugal air compressor
Usia pakai 2000 jam
Kapasitas besar sampai 70 m3/min untuk1 panel
Efisiensifilter: 10 μm >98% , 2 μm >99,5%
Filter Element
Kelas filterasi berdasarkan ISO 8573-1
Filterasi Partikel 0,01 μm dan Oli 0,003 ppm
Usia pakai 6000 jam